X  Order of the Violet Flame

violet flame

A focus to assist planetary balance and peace



Introduction to the Order of the Violet Flame


Jennifer Mereki is the leader of the Order of the Violet Flame, which has been operating from Australia since Archangel Michael's Festival 29 Sept. 2002. The focus of the regular meditations, and Earth Healing Services  is to contribute to the work for planetary peace and eventual ascension of humanity. Through this work we connect to the global network of people of goodwill who give of their time and energy to transforming the conditions on this planet.


The Violet Flame is an action of the 7th Ray, which is the current divine impulse influencing the Earth and will do so for the next 2000 years. The 7th Ray is re-establishing order to bring the planet and its population in line with the divine plan, by drawing forth from humanity all faults and distractions that stand in the way of the manifestation of this plan. Habits and patterns of thought, beliefs, feelings and actions are not easy to change. We are comfortable in what we think we know and do. The effects of working with the Violet Flame include freeing each one of us from old patterns and behaviours. It is an ancient tool, and the tool that is perfect for this time to lead us to freedom and ascension. When we invoke the Violet Flame, it enters deep into the atoms of our being and draws into itself all that is not in line with our highest good. It can clear karma and increase mental, emotional and even physically health - it is grace in action.


Freedom brings the acknowledgment that we are divine beings of light and unlimited potential, allowing us to shift from dependency on who we think we are as humans, to focus and live as free forces of light or souls, who are thinking and acting in accordance with the most beautiful plan of love, light and peace, which influences others to begin to do the same.

View Meditations and Earth Healing Services live stream via my facebook OVF private Group

For those who wish to become members of the OVF group, email me for the link

It is the collective contribution of positive intent that will activate the changes needed. The more of us who can meditate together at one time or contribute as you have time, the more quickly we will manifest the transforming energy needed in us individually, in humanity and in the Earth itself. I therefore invite all who feel called to this work to join us. I look forward to as many people as possible joining us, as collectively we CAN make a difference.

View a Violet Flame meditation conducted by Jennifer on

Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oMjIkyMHnY


Support materials available

Link to CDs and Books


latest booklet 

meditation booklet




X The Order of the Violet Flame
A focus to assist planetary balance and peace


The Violet Flame is the energy of transformation for this current 2000 year cycle, the Aquarian Age.

The Order of the Violet Flame currently conducts Meditations and Earth Healing Services.




The current Order of the Violet Flame meditation and Earth healing service program

can be found when you receive the OVF link

conducted by Jennifer Mereki

VENUE: Violet Flame Centre, near Daylesford Victoria Australia (email for address)

or join us live when you receive the OVF group link. 


For participants over 15 years.


No late entry



Details for each Meditation or Service are posted on the OVF facebook page a few days before.

Meditations & Services are recorded and transferred to the OVF Youtube channel

Order of the Violet Flame PO Box 65, Daylesford 3460
pmereki@gmail.com website http://www.daylesford.net.au/hearthaven/

Site updated 23 Jan 2023

Site maintained by mdmcc