
Hi John, I just wanted to touch base with you after our session last week and to let you know how I’m progressing, and also confirm our next appointment. 

The great news is that whatever it was that was blocking me from eating properly has gone. I’ve been eating fruit and healthy meals, and I haven’t snacked on poor choices once since our session. I’ve been offered lots of chocolate, lollies, cakes, biscuits etc this week and without even thinking about it, I said “no thanks” each time. I’ve had an irksome staff member this week who has caused all sorts of problems and confrontations, which is a scenario that would normally see me heading for a chocolate bar, but I took it all in my stride and didn’t once consider binge eating as a salve to the stressful situation. 

The nervous, breathlessness I experienced during the confrontation a week or so ago, has also abated. I could still feel myself starting to get agitated during the interactions with the staff member who was on the warpath, but again, I was able to keep my cool and deal with it appropriately.  

I’d like to make a follow up appointment with you as discussed at our first session, because I don’t want to lose the momentum and perhaps slip back into bad habits. I’d also like the confidence/confrontation issue looked into further, since we only just touched on it, and it doesn’t appear to have subsided nearly as much as the eating problem. I haven’t yet found the time or the motivation to start exercising effectively, which I know is a key to weight loss and toning up as the weight comes off due to better eating. So that could be something else we speak about next weekend.

I can’t thank you enough John for the profound impact that your first session of hypnotherapy has had on me. I knew I was ready to make some permanent changes to my eating and lifestyle, but hadn’t been able to find the key to putting the desire into action. You’ve really connected with my subconscious and I feel inside that I don’t need to reward or punish myself with food – it’s my wise and trusted friend after all and I’d much prefer to be friends with the healthier options.  

Thanks again




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