Many people discuss personal problems with me. I am comfort­able discussing either male or female sexual problems and I'm sure they feel at ease with me, assist­ing the more natural process to return.


Frequently modern medicine tries to treat a symptom without finding the cause by prescribing such items as Viagra. Looking for the cause is the first thing I consider; the person is usually experiencing the effects.


There are rare instances where an organic, hormonal or physical cause is the case, but according to a sex therapy manual the incidence is less than 15%.

Recently a male client told me that he had been to two sex clinics and had not been offered any counseling. The substance, by injection to the penis produced the desired erection when the conditions were 'right', but they seemed to neglect help in any other way. He was, however, praise­worthy of his doctor who had orga­nized various tests to see if any medical problem existed. I like to know if my client has had such medical tests – it’s when doctor says “nothing wrong” then they may see me.


Basically I suggest to the client that the mind is the sex organ, as many people don't recognize this and of course it directs the penis to perform accordingly. It is very nec­essary to reduce anxiousness, to understand realistic expectations and begin a re-lean­ing process. It's surprising how relaxation techniques reduce blood pressure and also improve the client's outlook in other ways. Even blood flow in a natural way to the important erogenous parts may be enhanced. I may suggest an herbal product to add to our mind dynamics.


Treating clients with this problem suffice to say that confidence can return along with the normal ability to function in a healthy way.


What about an exercise? Sit and think about the part your mind plays, especially in its power to cause a belief to take over that 'You can't perform', and how it gets rein­forced every time you think about it.


Remember it is not a stage performance, hence I work on reframing and rephrasing this word – it’s just about enjoying intimacy and that does not always have to be direct genital contact. I spend a lot of time with my people educating as often they have misconceptions having learned about sexology in an inappropriate way. Probably the main one is to learn that a couple can “enjoy the journey; the destination is really just a bonus”.


I hope you will agree that the same mind that caused the problem is the same mind that can heal or remedy it. Not unusual is a put down especially at a heated moment such as “you’re no good” or “not a real man” – such negatives can go deep and the cause is often as simple as this. My message is suggesting that looking into the nat­ural methods you could save money and feel lot more accom­plished in yourself.


Please stay confident, be patient, relaxed and calm and have fun.



Not only is it the male impotence or premature ejaculation, but all aspects of sexual behavior and fantasy for both sexes, including frigidity. It’s somewhat surprising that many women have told me they have never experienced an orgasm.


Do not hesitate to ask questions, email or phone.



