Are you condemned to a life of misery because someone in authority said "Nothing more can be done?"

Certainly I've heard that statement many times where someone has been told simply just to learn to live with it,

Although pain is a signal that not all is well in the body and does need medical investigation, it is the long term suffering that I am concerned with.

As a starting point — is it pain, discomfort or suffering? I tend to rephrase the wording more so to "discomfort" especially during hypnosis and there is a  psychological reason for this - for instance, if I said "don't think of a pink elephant, where does the mind want to go and search?" Yes, rephrasing, reframing and getting in touch with the amazing power in inner mind that I call the "helper part" - the part of you now reading and absorbing this article and wanting to see me. We work on beating the sabotage of the past and overcoming the negatives - the easiest thing the mind has done so far such as needing compensation, dwelling on bad memories and anger associated with the cause of  situation.

Learning to cope with pain, understanding the visualization techniques that can be introduced. My aim is to improve your quality of life where pain is there but no longer hurts and you are learning to be able to ignore it.

Injury at work creating long term suffering, especially the lower back, can have associated bad memories, anger, annoyance at inability to work, anxiety at loss of earnings or insufficient compensation and so on.

Low self-esteem and feelings of powerlessness and uselessness come into it.

I hope it is becoming easier to accept the different way of thinking and approach that I'm suggesting rather than just dismissing what hypnosis can do in capable hands.

The mind can be very powerful, especially by accessing the inner or subconscious mind.

If you feel that there has been too long a struggle for relief with various physical and chemical methods you may consider my approach. Along with presenting with anticipation and expectation that things can only improve, your cooperation, some perseverance and patience are needed.

I have found that when people come for hypnosis their main concern is for results. It does not mean to expect a miracle cure, but to work on the methods I have to offer with confidence.

There is much more to be covered in this article and it will be updated in due course .

