About Fear

We have learned to be afraid

Real fears & unreal fears
Is there some fear holding you back?
There are two kinds of fear: the natural or real fear of the kind that enables us to survive danger, and an unreal fear that is perceived and not associated with survival. Phobias are an example of exaggerated unreal fear.

Many clients are surprised to learn the unreal nature of many of their concerns that cause them undue worry or distress. In fact, it is frequently the cause of people missing my visits, cancelled appointments just prior to a visit, or just avoiding things that may be perceived to be a bit daunting.

Unreal fears are mainly rooted in the fear of not being in control, fear of not being loved, rejection, abandonment or combinations of these. Other common fears can be of failure, loss, betrayal, loneliness, illness, ageing and death. Strangely, some people fear success, the main reason seeming to be that it may be taken from them. Please don't confuse loneliness with the much more pleasant and often desired state of "aloneness".


I dispel those fears because you are the one in control, not me, in hypnosis and also throughout the consultation. It can be a fear of uncovering some of your past, yet so much relief can be gained from this happening. Remember, hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don't want to do. It is also less daunting now to talk with a therapist than may have been the case a decade ago with greater acceptance of the helping professions with very humane approaches.

Nobody is judged or criticized by me and all are made to feel very welcome. It can be a big relief to tell your story then relax, and let go into hypnosis. It is frequent for a client to say how well and relaxed they feel after such an experience.
When you feel that things in your life are not going well and need attention, in order to recover both health and well being you must decide what course of action to take.
If you not accept this responsibility, others will decide for you and will not necessarily make the right choices.

Do you realize all the negative beliefs, habits and unreal fears you hold about yourself are something you have learned through life not something you are?
You have a mind that is capable of quickly and easily relearning anything you want.
You may like to come with that anticipation and expectation that it can happen for you.


Fear of Public Speaking


Coming Soon

