Relieve Anxiety


Anxiety is a normal emotion experienced by all people

It is not a problem unless it causes destruction to normal daily life

It does have a cause and more frequently of the future concern or worry than of past baggage.


Many and varied – generally my people have been examined medically to exclude physical complaint.

Whether other therapists have described it as generalized anxiety, phobic anxiety, panic, performance anxiety or Posttraumatic stress – not so important to me as I’m dealing with the whole person and working through your symptoms to reach a solution. Tags and labels cause you to feel a victim whereas I’m aiming to get past this mentally and restore the power we all have within to help ourselves.

Rather than list about thirty different inner feeling, please go along with me and agree that you are just feeling unwell, uneasy, insecure or inadequate and maybe palpitations or difficulty in establishing an easy natural breathing pattern. If you feel the increased need to use alcohol or other drug – isn’t that a sign that something is wrong?

Quite often the reason given to me that you attached to it is not necessarily so.

When a client presents claiming to suffer from this condition it must be explored to obtain the reasons and work towards a resolution where life can go on more smoothly and comfortably. It is no use saying the buzzword “stress” because what is a stressor to you may not be to another. In other words we must have specific rather than vague reasons.

Often my clients present with a number of interconnecting issues and we must somehow prioritize the importance – often the removal of one issue can have a snowballing effect and lessen the effectiveness of other concerns.

It is not a matter of sitting the client in a chair, hypnotizing and then presenting verbally a motivational script by repetition, as so many people think hypnosis can be just this, unreasonably expecting results.

The same goes for any other presenting problem – causes and effects, exploring and analyzing are all necessary.

Please do not be put off – it is not hard work – really life is very simple, especially our primitive functioning.

In this modern somewhat high-pressure world the in lies the main reason – coping with inevitable change with the speed at which things happen. This is where I can help, having learned to cope myself and feel good about our present day world and all its imperfections.

My aim is to help you and to educate you in the true nature of hypnosis and what its values and limitations can be.

It may be that we have to look back into earlier life by hypnotic regression (please don’t be put off by the utter simplicity of this experience) that can release a lot of pressure and weight off the shoulders.

These notes can be read in conjunction with the page on Fear I this website.

I always encourage ongoing counseling, but still my aim in therapy is to “get you out of therapy”

I could give you many relaxation exercises but assume you have already tried to no avail various breathing and bodily relaxation techniques as well as meditative experiences. Frequently those slow breathing techniques read well, but difficult to achieve when in the fearful, panic, over reactive state. It is best to actually talk to the therapist you decide to consult and then if you get that intuititive feeling of warmth, okay ness, “I’m in the right place” it may well be they are to one to help. I often say to an enquirer “if my image keeps coming up in your screen, then that is a positive sign for you”

These thoughts may prove helpful to you – look at them frequently. 

A Simple Breathing Technique 

The aim is to slow down respiration temporarily to about 10 breaths per minute, or less.

When over breathing with anxiety or panic, try this Slow Breathing Technique. With the tongue on the roof of the mouth, imagine the inspired air going through the whole body and on breathing out, imagine the tensions going out with the breath. The body relaxes much more on the out breath.

To break out of the cycle of over breathing when anxious, you  need to do two things.

First you need to increase the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. This will allow the available oxygen to be released into the body's cells, slowly restoring you to normal. To achieve this goal, at the first sign of anxiety, your should:­

1. Stop what you are doing and stay where you are. Do not flee!


2. Hold your breath for 10 seconds (use a watch because time seems to go faster when anxious).


3. After 10 seconds, breath out and say the word "Relax" to yourself. Second, you need to decrease your breathing rate. Doing so will keep oxygen and carbon dioxide balanced. To achieve this goal, after you have breathed out, you should:


4. Breath in and out (through your nose) slowly in a six second cycle. Breath in for three seconds and out for three seconds, saying "Relax" to yourself on every breath out. This produces a breathing rate of 10 breaths per minute.


5. At the end of each minute (after 10 breaths), hold your breath again for 10 seconds and then breathe on a six second cycle.


6. Continue breath holding and slow breathing until all the symptoms of over breathing have gone.

Because the slow breathing technique first restores and then maintains a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, it is necessary that it be done at the first sign that anxiety is rising. If you do these things at the first sign of over breathing, anxiety will not spiral into panic. Secondly, the more you practice, the slower your normal breathing rate will become.

This is somewhat a "re-training" technique. If you don't feel comfortable with this at first, persevere for a time and I'm sure it will come to you.

E-Mail: John Bohn - Hypnotherapist

Phone: 03) 5348 1214
